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FAQ about Dentures in Niagara Falls

We understand that getting dentures will have an impact on your day-to-day life. Whether you are new to dentures, or you’ve had them for a while, Niagara Denture Clinic has provided some information concerning general concerns and questions about the process and product for you. If you have more specific questions about dentures, please contact us for a complimentary consultation at our Niagara Falls clinic.

How long can I have my dentures?

Dentures typically last from 5 to 10 years. Even though your teeth are gone, your mouth and gums will continue to change shape for the rest of your life. Because dentures are artificial, obviously, they will not change with the shape of your mouth, and you will need to have them replaced or adjusted. Also, make sure you see your regular dentist annually, so as to avoid any major problems you cannot identify yourself.

How much do dentures cost?

Fortunately, dentures have become so mainstream that it's very possible to find a reasonable price for them. Check with your denturist first. He or she knows you and your mouth best.

Will dentures make me look different?

Today, the technology behind prosthodontics has become so advanced that you probably will barely notice a difference in your appearance. Each set of dentures is personalized to your gums, lips, tongue...your whole mouth. Additionally, before you're given your permanent dentures, molds are made in wax for you to try them on and see how they look. The only difference in appearance you might have is the absence of decaying teeth, and the appearance of a healthy, beautiful looking smile.

Will dentures affect the way I speak?

Getting dentures for the first time is an adjustment, to say the least. There are many things you're going to have to practice a little to truly master - and speaking is one. Don't worry - it's not like relearning how to speak completely. You may experience some lisping at first, but it shouldn't take long to re-teach your tongue and lips where they go to regain you original speech patterns.

Will dentures affect the way I eat?

Again, it's all an adjustment. Yes, you may have some difficulty at first, but you've spent a lifetime learning a particular way of eating. Now, you'll just need to tweak it a little. Because your natural teeth are rooted deep in your mouth, you tear your food away from its source. Picture biting into a piece of fruit. Normally, you would tear the piece you want to eat right away from the rest of the fruit. With dentures, you will learn how to bite into the food, and not pull your head away until it is already in your mouth. A small adjustment, but it will take some practice.

How do I clean my dentures?

Like teeth, a denturist will recommend brushing your dentures after every meal. Obviously, this is not always a practical option, but you should clean your dentures as soon after you eat as possible. Take the dentures out and hold with your thumb and forefinger. Make sure wherever you're cleaning them, it's never over a hard surface. Put a towel down on the vanity, or make sure the sink is full of water. If you drop them, they won't break. Your denturist can provide you with a good denture brush and cleaner. Brush thoroughly. Avoid using bleaching agents, as they will discolour the pink acrylic for the gum line.

Should my dentures come out at night?

Probably, but check with your denturist. If your dentures are not in your mouth, there is usually extra care you should be taking with them - and you want to make sure you fully understand what that care is. You've spent too much on your dentures to not double check with your denturist.

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